About myself

I am an electrical engineering student on the University of Kassel.

What i am working with:

  • C/C++
  • Python
  • Linux
  • SPICE (LtSpice)
  • CAD (FreeCAD, Fusion360)
  • PCB-Design (KiCad, Eagle)
  • 3D-Printers

Feel free to contact me (lindemax at posteo dot net) if you have any questions or suggestions.

About this website

As you may have already noticed: This website is build with Hugo and the m10c-theme. But i modified the theme a little bit to suit my needs (m11c).


Code and schematics published on this webiste is licensed under GPLv3.

To be noticed

Make shure to checkout the blog from exo-cortex, too.
He is the one who infected me with hugo and he has some interesting stuff going on there.