OpenVPN is a nice tool to stay connected privately. Could be to play old LAN games with friends , or accessing a network file system on your own server, etc.

I recently wrote a shell script that creates certificates (using easy-rsa), configuration files and the directory structure needed on the server side in a ‘ready to be used’ manner. It will ask you for the name of the CA, the VPN-Server, it’s remote address and how many client certificates/keys you want to create. A zip compressed directory is then assambled for each individual client, so you can pass it over to them easily. The server.conf is written in a way, that each client will get it’s own IP-address, beginning with Therefore the client config directory (ccd) is created, too.

There is also to add more clients afterwards (e.g. hugo).
It let’s you choose a specific IP for newly added clients.

Checkout the corresponding git repo for more information.
