My config

This is my neovim config. It includes configurations for all plugins listed below.
If you want to use it you will have to install vim-plug first and then extract the into ~/.config/nvim/. At lleast at linux systems.
Here are some screenshots to get an idea of how it could look like:

a b


This is a list of the most important plugins I’m using quite often:

coc: Autocompletion
coc-clangd: Clang for coc. Tip: place a file called .clang-format to set options for a specific directory
nvim-treesitter: Language parser and advanced syntax highlighting
nvim-lspconfig: Neovim config for it’s build in LSP (Language Server Protocol). Here you will find a list of supported language server applications.
symbols-outline: Code outline and navigation
lualine: Status line
nerdcommenter: Language speciffic comments
vim-multiple-cursors: Multicursor
nvim-tree: File browser
vimtex: Latex
markdown-preview gruvbox: Color scheme
nightfox: Color scheme

Some things i may need to remember by some time

Search & Replace

/pattern Search for pattern
?pattern Search backward for pattern
n Repeat search in same direction
N Repeat search in opposite direction
:s/old/new/g Replace all old with new in the current line
:%s/old/new/g Replace all old with new throughout file

Spell Checking

:set spell spelllang=en_us

There is no grammar checking in nvim available.